
A virtual visit to the three Roman chapels (Contarelli, Cerasi, Cavalletti) where some of Caravaggio’s most important frescoes are present.

The visitor will be virtually projected inside the chapels and will be able to move around the space.

At the end of the visit you will be able to admire the painting “St. Jerome Writing” in a completely innovative way.

The work will have its own depth and the subject can be seen from multiple angles.


Are you ready to virtually enter a painting?

This is the lithograph by Maurits Cornelis Escher from 1953 entitled “Relativity”, where the artist suggests three real and possible points of view which when combined become impossible.

In virtual reality everything will be amplified by being able to experience the different perspectives desired by the author from within.


Four famous paintings by Monet digitally recreated that you can observe from an absolutely revolutionary and innovative point of view:

  • The walk;
  • Poppies;
  • The cliff near Pourville;
  • The water lily pond.

You will find yourself inside the paintings with the same point of view as the painter.